Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0433397/
Release Date: March 2011 (USA)
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Music
Cast: Hamilton von Watts, Melissa Joan Hart, Robert Guillaume
Quality: DVDRip
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
English Review
A washed up Vegas lounge singer, Jack Satin (Hamilton von Watts), has no money, no job, and delusional aspirations of fame. When Jack is forced to leave Vegas, he packs up his old Cadillac and hits the road for Atlantic City. But his car dies in the desert and Jack is left stranded in the small town of Lost Springs. There, Jack meets jazz legend turned mechanic, Doc Bishop (Robert Guillaume), who helps him with his car trouble. Although Jack is far from the stage, he begins to find himself feeling at home in the small town. When he meets dreamy eyed bartender, Lauren Wells (Melissa Joan Hart), Jack starts to see there is more to life than chasing fame and fortune. Doc encourages Jack to explore his true love of music, while Lauren provides the audience he has always wanted. But as Jack realizes this town has more to offer him than the bright lights of the big city, his Vegas past catches up with him -- what unfolds is comedy at the crossroads of life
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sebuah Vegas terdampar lounge penyanyi, Jack Satin (Hamilton von Watt), tidak memiliki uang, tidak punya pekerjaan, dan aspirasi delusi ketenaran. Ketika Jack terpaksa meninggalkan Vegas, dia paket Facebook Cadillac tua dan hits jalan untuk Atlantic City. Tapi mobilnya mati di padang pasir dan Jack terdampar di kota kecil Lost Springs. Di sana, Jack bertemu legenda jazz berbalik mekanik, Dok Uskup (Robert Guillaume), yang membantu dia dengan masalah mobilnya. Meskipun Jack jauh dari panggung, ia mulai menemukan dirinya merasa di rumah di kota kecil. Ketika ia bertemu bartender bermata melamun, Lauren Wells (Melissa Joan Hart), Jack mulai melihat ada lebih hidup dari mengejar ketenaran dan kekayaan. Doc mendorong Jack untuk menjelajahi cinta sejatinya musik, sedangkan Lauren menyediakan khalayak ia selalu ingin. Tapi seperti Jack menyadari kota ini memiliki lebih untuk menawarkan dia daripada lampu terang dari kota besar, masa lalunya Vegas menangkap dengan dia - apa yang terungkap adalah komedi di persimpangan jalan kehidupan
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