Genre: Drama | Romance
Cast: Dennis Oh, Annie Wu, Feier Li, Bojie Wang, Weiwei Liu, Xiang Chen, Jiong He, Jingwu Ma, Yuan Cao, Sengui Wang, Zhong Ren
Quality: DVDRip
Subtitle: English Hardsub
English Review
Somebody to Love is an adaptation of Mint G’s novel A Call from Jupiter. The TV show Somebody to Love enjoys huge popularity until malicious competition from other TV stations begins to threaten its TV run. The show’s producer also faces a crisis in his personal life. Can the show be saved? And how will the producer reconcile his life and his career?
Sinopsis Indonesia
Somebody to Love merupakan adaptasi dari novel Mint G Panggilan dari Jupiter. Acara TV Somebody to Love menikmati popularitas besar sampai kompetisi berbahaya dari stasiun TV lain mulai mengancam menjalankan TV. Produser acara juga menghadapi krisis dalam kehidupan pribadinya. Bisa menunjukkan diselamatkan? Dan bagaimana akan produsen mendamaikan hidupnya dan karirnya?
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